This is a temporary website to entertain the wonderful people who bothered to click this far, whilst I buidl into something really cool and epic that will garner the attention (and wrath) of Jerry Saltz maybe even

Who Is this Jooski Guy?

I'm really just a guy making things and Tbh I'm pretty bored of just drawing pictures so I'm trying new stuff like turning gas tanks into .glbs and flying to other countries because they're fun

also... Go to here if you want to support me making more things by buying my art with SOLANOS!! Below is what my ART LOOKS LIKE!!

Some random table

Column 1 heading Row 1, cell 2 Row 1, cell 3
Row 2, cell 1 Row 2, cell 2 Row 2, cell 3

Things I have done worth looking at

  1. Traveller 64
  2. Untitleds
  3. Balanced Collection
This web site is about MOWOW
the Bible